On the other hand, high-end retailers carried either single brands or multiple brands as part of their product portfolio. Most high-end retailers employed expensive sales executives and focused more on offering value-added services including (but not limited to): measurement and product selection, customizable designs for complete makeovers, product delivery and installation, high number of SKUs stemming from a base product, and even relocation of old furniture. Quality and service was the basis for these types of sellers, constantly reminding customers that their products would last a lifetime and that going through the installation hassle could easily be avoided.
2. When furniture titan IKEA finally consolidated its business strategy in the US by the mid-90s, customers where typically defined as well-traveled, sophisticated yet practical in taste, likely risk-takers, technologically-savvy, and connoisseurs of fine food and wine. Customers at IKEA look for a shopping experience that fulfills and exceeds their expectations by finding multiple types of furniture and other compliments (i.e. kitchenware, decorations, etc) that are practical and can accommodate a “good-living” standard.
Aside from fulfilling the need for new furniture, customers at IKEA also valued complimentary