A creation of competitive advantage by using differentiation of company’s strategy actions. The case study of IKEA Sweden with experiences on Chinese and French markets.
Dissertation in Marketing Credit point level – 10 ( 15ECTS) Supervisor: Venilton Reinert Authors: Landry Capdevielle Min Li Paulina Nogal
Halmstad, 23rd of May 2007
The table of contents Introduction..........................................................................4
Problem .................................................................................................................................. 5 Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 6 Delimitations .......................................................................................................................... 6
The theoretical framework..................................................7
Social and cultural aspects ..................................................................................................... 7 PEST Analysis theory .......................................................................................................... 10 Marketing Mix theory .......................................................................................................... 11 The theory of standardization............................................................................................... 13 The theory of differentiation ................................................................................................ 14
The methodology...............................................................15
Deductive and inductive method.......................................................................................... 15 Quantitative and qualitative method
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