MIS 589
Week 4 iLab
A small company has decided to expand to a second floor. The company has a star topology network consisting of 30 computers on the first floor and wants to add a similar star topology network on the second floor with 15 computers to start, but would like to explore further expansion. To ensure that the current network can handle the addition of the computer a series of tests was run to determine whether the current backbone and infrastructure can handle the addition of this new network.
Results: Effect of adding a second network on Ethernet traffic.
A test was run using the software OpNet Modeler to create a test environment. First the 30 terminal star topology network was designed and the test was designed to test the Ethernet load traffic and Ethernet Delay. Once it was verified that the environment reported results for the current network, a new star topology network was created with 15 terminals and connected to the current to test the ethernet load and delay with the new environment.
The following is a graph representing the ethernet delay or traffic. The Blue Line represents the delay after the company has added 15 terminals on the second floor. The redline represents the current delay with 30 machines.
As we can see from the above graph, the ethernet delay is increased at startup which would be expected because of the 50% terminal addition. After the initial workload is handled we see a similar drop in the load and it begins to taper off and has almost identical usage statistics. It is safe to say that while the expansion will increase the traffic (as expected) that the ethernet traffic will not slow down or effect the current network.
Results: Effect of Second Network on Servers.
The following graph represents the Ethernet Load. The blue line represents the ethernet load with the proposed expansion while the red line is the current network environment.
As we can see from the above graph, the load is