Illegal immigration is widespread throughout the United States. There are 12 million or more illegal aliens in the United States, this number continues to rise (Swartz). This influx of illegal immigrants causes jobless Americans to lose out on opportunities. Employers choose to pay illegal immigrants lower wages than American workers. Is it right to pay illegal immigrants less than Americans to do the same job? Should the illegal immigrants be deported? Should border control be increased? Will border control help to decrease illegal immigrants? Will the argument hold for the 14th amendment? Is the child of an illegal immigrant a citizen of the United States? Will anyone stand up to illegal immigration? Most people are oblivious to the fact that illegal immigration and unemployment are intertwined. Americans have trouble finding jobs that are gainful because non-Americans, who illegally crossed the border unabated, are employed by companies, both big and small. Looking at Labor report from 2013 shows that 11.3 million American’s are without a job (“CPS News Releases,” 2013). President Barack Obama said, in his speech about immigration, “that there was over 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States.” The main reason illegal and legal immigrants come to the United States is for a better life, a job is required to achieve this goal. The United States of America has become a home for Latino’s in search of a better life. These Latino’s send money back to Mexico and Central American countries to be able to support their families. The importance of money for their families abroad means that most of the adult illegal immigrants are working within our borders.
[Actions] need to be taken to control illegal immigration such as a foolproof, biometric identity card for employment and stiff penalties against companies who hire undocumented workers. (Lukens)
If laws against labor and immigration were enforced, that would create up to 14
Cited: "CPS News Releases." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 8 Nov. 2013. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. Hayworth, J. D., and Joe Eule. Whatever It Takes: Illegal Immigration, Border Security, and the War on Terror. Washington, DC: Regnery Pub., 2006. Print.