Illegal Immigration in the United States The United States (US) has always been viewed as the land of opportunity because it is the only true free country in the world. This being the case people have been fighting their way into the country for decades. However, it is becoming more and more of a problem each decade that passes. With the United States border being so close to Mexico it is now seeing the highest population of illegal immigrants to date. The rising population is due to the lack of jobs in their country, poor pay and bad work environments. It has become the issue it has because the US is now having problems with high taxes, steep insurance costs and new laws. Even though the United States is a free country, immigration has changed over the years because of an increase in illegal immigrants, stricter laws and harsher penalties. In the last few decades the United States has had to increase the taxes for their American citizens due to the increase in the illegal immigrant population. "Even with the national government pouring billions of dollars into the education of LEP students, state and local taxes provide the lion's share of the funding needed to hire bilingual teachers, purchase non-English textbooks and instructional resources, and hire other professionals or paraprofessionals who can communicate with non-English speaking parents." (Sanchez, 2008) Education is where a major portion of money goes to help illegal immigrants learn to speak English. "Local taxpayers continue to expend more money to support education; and in communities that serve high numbers of illegal immigrants, such taxpayers will have to provide even more money to public school districts. Universities have been petitioned by local education agencies to prepare more educators to work with LEP students, so additional funding for research and curriculum development will be required at the university level." (Sanchez, 2008) With
References: 1. Sanchez, H., & Sanchez, M. (2008). The Politics of Illegal Immigration, Bilingual Education, and the Commodity of the Post-Technological Society. Educational Forum, 72(4), 329- 338. Retrieved February 20, 2009, 2. Sunnucks, Mike.?(2009).?Sheriff Joe Arpaio targets illegal immigrants in north Phoenix.? April?12, 2009, from 3. calls for changes on illegal workers.?Retrieved April?12, 2009, from 4. On the border. (2005). Economist, Retrieved February 20, 2009, from Business Source Complete database. 5. Judis, J. (2006). Border War. (Cover story). New Republic, 234(1), 15-19. Retrieved February 20, 2009, from Academic Search Complete database. 6. Greenley, L. (2008). How to Fix Illegal Immigration. New American, 24(5), 15-18. Retrieved February 20, 2009, from Academic Search Complete database.