During the 1970’s and 80’s The United States was unable to control irregular immigrants from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos and refugees escaping wars in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua (Gurucharri). Although the government did not try to control the flux of immigrants, rather they enacted the “Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986” which increased the Border Patrol, had penalizations for employers hiring irregulars, and gave an amnesty for irregular immigrants already in the U.S (Immigration Reform). The “Illegal Immigration and Immigrant Responsibility act” was passed 10 years later setting the restrictions of criminal activity (Illegal Immigration). American society has been misled for many years using the term “Illegals” to categorize Immigrants, when in fact the accurate way of referring to them is “irregulars”. Illegal immigration carries an association of committing a criminal felony, making a presumption that they have done something wrong. An example of a criminal felony is, smuggling drugs across the borders. Irregular immigration on the other hand, refers to an administrative offense …show more content…
Currently, the U.S. provides visas that for many agricultural level individuals in Central America are hard to get due to the requirements. When they don’t get the visa they contact human smugglers and pay them to get in the U.S. The objective from a modernization would be to not let that happen, so a new type of visa will be created. This will be a “workers visa” that will cost an individual $1,500 to get and will allow them to get legal status to work in the U.S. They will get this visa in a U.S. embassy in the country of the person’s origin and will be controlled by the State Department. In order to get the “workers visa” you will have to pass a background check and have no criminal history, if you do you don’t apply. Also, all your biometrics will be taken. It will be for a term of 2 years where you will be paying the same taxes as any worker or citizen in the country. After the 2 year term has expired, you will have 2 options, you can either go back to your country or ask for a renewal, the renewal would cost $2,000.00 and would give you another term of 2