Brentside High School communicates with many people such as staff, pupils, parents… etc and sends them information from a wide array of sources. Brentside Web Mail (E-mail)
The purpose of the Web Mail is it provides staff or students with accessible contact between each other by being able to communicate with each other at any time – instantly and it also allows the receiver of the email to be able to look back at the information that was sent as a reminder or so they can refer to it at any time. It also acts as an insurance that a student for example, had received the information since there is almost no technical difficulties at most times so he/she must have deleted it for it not to be in their inbox. The year leader of year 11 sends notices to all pupils in year 11 instantly and simultaneously as there is an option to send information to multiple peoples at once. It also confirms that students who aren’t in that school that day or cannot access mail still get the information. The Web Mail can be accessed through the internet and the source of information is from the year 11 Year Leader.
Detention notice letter
This letter informs parents that their child has a detention are expected to comeback late depending on the detention and is very effective in showing importance as parents would respond seriously to a letter that has arrived from school and are therefore more likely to read it and essentially receive the information. The source of this information is usually from the Teacher who has given the detention and authorized by Mr. Jones, the head teacher.
Phone calls regarding student absences
The purpose of this phone call is because it is a direct and quick approach for Brentside to reach a student’s parent and be able to find out why the student is absent almost immediately by calling the parent/carer and provide reasons for why the student was late. The phone calls from Brentside also would show importance and the parent/carer will take it more seriously. It also allows dialogue which then allows ongoing transference of information without delays and also there is less scope for misunderstanding and it allows for verbal messages. The source of the information can be student form tutors or year leader. Target setting meetings
The purpose of target setting meetings is for parents and students to be informed on what they must improve and create targets for them, which allows confrontation of parents, student and form tutor and this helps enables complex ideas to be expressed and discussed. For most people, talking is the most comfortable method of expression and a target setting meetings is best for just that e.g. student will be more willing to discuss problems in person than over the phone. The source of this information would be the student’s form tutor.
Subject report
The purpose of the subject report is to inform parents (can be used to inform pupils) on how their child had performed every term and can have a range of information from the pupil’s attendance, punctuality, behaviour problems, predicted grades and attitude to learning mark from which gives feedback to the student and parent on how they can improve. The source of this information is the subject teacher
Student assemblies
The purpose of student assemblies is that it announces any changes in the school or events that are happening such as half term breaks or even important announcements such as teacher changes. Student assemblies are used to get messages across whole years at once and are appropriate because it ensures that the students are there to receive the message because unlike an email where the students will look at the message at a random time which might make some information useless and so therefore assemblies are important in insuring pupils get to hear the message at the right time. It also provides a communal experience which is successful in making students more relaxed and flow of information is better. The source of this information is the year leader.
The purpose of the prospectus is to get parents of children who are moving up to high school to choose Brentside by informing them on the benefits of joining, awards Brentside has won, grade improvements…etc. Its purpose is show Brentside in the best light since the information is filled with positives on Brentside e.g. written accounts of children who liked the school, which will persuade the parents to bring their children to Brentside. The source of this information is the head teacher MR. Jones.
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