The Effective Mentors Role, Responsibilities, Characteristics and Behaviours
Question 1.
I believe one of the main roles of a mentor is to help and advise a mentee, to understand and learn how to control their own emotions and feelings. I also feel that the mentor can be, when required, a good role model and by using his own experiences, he can guide and motivate the mentee to cope with all the stresses and strains of adolescence. Another part of their role is to improve the mentee’s confidence, self-esteem and hopefully be a calming influence over them, as well as support them to show moral courage and in time try to understand and get on with their peers, adults and show restraint when they feel aggravated or frustrated.
Question 2.
I believe the role of a mentor is not only to support, but also to nurture a mentee to reach their own agreed personal goals and learning outcomes. The mentor should help guide the mentee by using the mentor’s own positivity, experiences and good communication skills to rationalise the mentee’s feelings and problems. The mentor will also introduce, when appropriate a number of constructive strategies that can be worked together to create a greater understanding and possible motivation to achieve together the mentee’s personal and learning outcomes. I also believe the mentor’s role is to be there to rationalise and support the mentee with any relapses they may encounter and to positively encourage the mentee to move forward and together achieve the mentee’s agreed learning outcomes.
Question 3.
A good mentor should to not only be able to build rapport quickly and relax their mentee but also ensure that they are always empathetic and non-judgmental. They should always attempt to repress their own righting instinct and allow the mentee to help themselves. The mentor should also be a good communicator, effective listener and use the correct question technique, which in turn should hopefully bring out