Abitsuélas: n. White beans, white-seeded bean; usually dried navy bean, pea bean common bean - any of numerous beans eaten either fresh or dried.
Abokado: n. Avocado, used in native medicine against diarrhea and wounds. kaabokaduan n. avocado orchard.
Abuno: n. Fertilizer; dung (ganagan); agabuno, abunuan. v. to fertilize; pagabuno. v. to use as fertilizer.
[Tag. patabâ]
Anaaw: Palm; n. a kind of tall palm, livistona rotundifolia. Inanaawan. n. a kind of hat made with anaaw leaves. kaanaawan. n. palm grove.
[Tag. anahaw]
Anangka: n. Jackfruit, a tropical Asian tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus) having large edible fruits, unisexual flowers, and fine-grained durable wood.[Tag. Langka]
Apit: n. Harvest; 1. The act or process of gathering a crop;2. a. The crop that ripens or is gathered in a season. b. The amount or measure of the crop gathered in a season. c. The time or season of such gathering. 3. The result or consequence of an activity.
Arado: n. Plow, 1. A farm implement consisting of a heavy blade at the end of a beam, usually hitched to a draft team or motor vehicle and used for breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing. 2. An implement of similar function, such as a snowplow. [Tag. Araro]
Baka: n. Cow, 1. The mature female of cattle of the genus Bos.2. The mature female of other large animals, such as whales, elephants, or moose.3. A domesticated bovine of either sex or any age.
Balatong: n. Mung beans, an erect bushy annual bean (Vigna radiata syn. Phaseolus aureus) that is widely cultivated in warm regions for its edible usually green or yellow seeds, for forage, and as the chief source of bean sprouts; also : its seed [Tag. monggo]
Bambanti: n. Scarecrow, an object usually suggesting a human figure that is set up to frighten birds