Spencer Daniels
21 March 2014
The Problems That Come In Passing The DREAM Act
According to some members of the senate, the “DREAM Act” is a beneficial bill that allows illegal immigrants to maintain residency, to attend school and/or enter military services. So that they would be eligible for federal loans, and work study programs. The “DREAM Act” offers after two years in college and/or armed services the immigrant will be eligible to receive a green card and/or citizenship. Furthermore, the Act supposes if an illegal immigrants is here as a child and graduates high school and are eligible for college and/or military services he should be given a green card, then it goes to demand that illegal immigrants that have already been overstepping the boundaries of the law should be the ones most eligible. Despite the minimal mitigating factors, the “DREAM Act” should not be in effect, because it gives an invitation for more illegal immigrants with the potential to flood the United States, and it also rewards illegal immigrants for infringing on U.S. soil for first, being here, and being illegally employed therefore, having purposeless productivity.
This bill would be an invitation to come to the U.S. not only with the potential to flood the country, bout to also cause widespread pandemonium. For example, every year 65,000 illegal young adults graduates each year. Imagine the notion if senate were to pass the bill. If other potential illegal immigrants heard of this the number of illegals would become alarming if not unbearable. So, if senate passes the “DREAM Act,” you are setting a negative outcome for our future American children. This is not justice.
Secondly, the “DREAM Act” rewards illegal immigrants for such transgressions as working illegally, and trespassing. For example the dream act goes to say “it would give six years conditional residency in which to attend college or enlist in the armed forces (para.3).
So, you want to
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