1. Micheles group:
· Maria micheles sister, little follower, copy cat
· Skull oldest group member (aged 12), chief, gives orders, strong, brave
· Salvatore micheles best friend, wealthy, kept to himself
· Barbara fat
· Michele standstill, nine years old
2. The children filled their days with riding bikes, playing football, steal-the-flag, one-two-three-star and lounging around doing nothing.
3. Acqua traverse consists of a welcome sign painted blue displaying acqua traverse in capital letters, four little homes and an old country villa lost within wheat.
4. Michele said he would do the forfeit for Barbara, so he was to cross a beam of wood from an old abandoned house on the second floor.
5. Micheles father was a small thin and restless man who worked as a truck driver and he was rarely home which the mother did not enjoy.
6. The dream was linked to the boy in the hole/well. Since Michele was curious to see if the boy was alive, in the dream Lazarus says "leave the dead alone" after biting Jesus on his throat which could be a sign of warning to stay away from the boy.
7. Michele returns to see the dead boy for he wanted to check if he was alive.
8. Michele was scared of witches and ogres being in the abandoned house where the dead boy was located and that the witches would turn him mad and the ogres would eat him and he didn't want to die.
9. Tiger jack is Tex Willer's Indian buddy. He is important to Michele later in the story because he thinks to himself be brave like tiger jack when he sneaks out to see Filippo and "what would tiger jack do in my place?" when he is trying to sneak around Melichetti's pigs without them smelling him.
10. Micheles first encounter with the dead boy was one of anticipation and fear because he wasn't sure if the boy was alive.
11. Micheles mother was a very quiet woman was very happy when her husband returned home from work but became almost mute when he was not home.
12. The