Backache-The extra weight they've gained is putting added pressure on their back, making it feel achy and sore. they might also feel discomfort in their pelvis and hips as their ligaments loosen to prepare for labor. At night, they sleep on their side with a pillow tucked between their legs and Wear low-heeled, comfortable shoes with good arch support. To relieve back pain, they use a heating pad and some take acetaminophen (a pill that treats minor aches and pains during pregnancy).
Bleeding-Spotting may sometimes be a sign of a serious problem, including placenta previa (the placenta grows low and covers the cervix), placental abruption (separation of the placenta from the uterine wall), or preterm labor.
Braxton Hicks contractions-They might start to feel mild contractions, which are warm-ups to prepare their uterus for the real labor to come. Braxton Hicks contractions often aren't as intense as real labor contractions, but they may feel a lot like labor and can eventually progress to it. One main difference is that real contractions gradually get closer and closer together and more intense. they're usually red in the face and out of breath after their contractions.
Breast enlargement-By the end of their pregnancy, their breasts will have grown by as much as 2 pounds. Close to their due date, they may start to see a yellowish fluid leaking from their nipples. This substance, called colostrum,will nourish your baby in the first few days after birth.
Discharge. They might see more vaginal discharge during the third trimester. Close to their delivery date, they might see a thick, clear, or slightly blood-tinged discharge. This is their mucus plug, and it's a sign that their cervix has begun dilating in preparation for labor. If they experience a sudden rush of fluid, it may mean that their water has broken, (although only about 8% of pregnant women have their water break before contractions begin).
Fatigue-They might have been feeling energetic in their second trimester, but they would usually be weary by now. Carrying extra weight, waking up several times during the night to go to the bathroom, and dealing with the anxiety of preparing for a baby can all take a toll on their energy level.they usually Eat healthy food and get regular exercise to give themselves a boost. When they feel tired,they try to take a nap, or at least sit down and relax for a few minutes. they need to reserve all their strength now for when the baby arrives.
Frequent urination-Now that their baby is bigger, the baby's head is pressing down on their bladder. That extra pressure means that they'll have to go to the bathroom more frequently including several times each night. They also find out that they're leaking urine when they cough, sneeze, laugh, or exercise.
Heartburn and constipation-Heartburn and constipation is caused by extra production of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes certain muscles including the muscles in your esophagus that normally keep food and acids down in your stomach, and the ones that move digested food through your intestines. they try To relieve heartburn, by eating more frequent, smaller meals throughout the day and avoid greasy, spicy, and acidic foods (like citrus fruits). and For constipation, they increase your fiber intake and drink extra fluids to keep things moving more smoothly.
Hemorrhoids-Hemorrhoids are actually varicose veins, swollen veins that form around the anus. These veins enlarge during pregnancy because extra blood is flowing through them and the weight of pregnancy increases the amount of pressure to the area. To relieve the itch and discomfort, try sitting in a warm tub or sitz bath.
Shortness of breath-As their uterus expands, it rises up and up until it sits just under their rib cage, leaving less room for their lungs to expand. That added pressure on their lungs can make it more difficult to breathe.
Varicose Veins-The mother’s circulation has increased to send extra blood to their growing baby. That excess blood flow can cause tiny red veins, known as spider veins, to appear on your skin, which may get worse in their third trimester, but they should fade once the baby is born. Pressure on their legs from the growing baby may also cause some surface veins in their legs to become swollen and blue or purple. Although there's no way to avoid varicose veins, they prevent them from getting worse by: Getting up and moving throughout the day
Wearing support hose
Propping up your legs whenever you have to sit for long periods of time.
Varicose veins should improve within a few months after you deliver.
Swelling- their shoes feel tighter during these days, and they also notice that their ankles are looking bloated. Mild swelling is the result of excess fluid retention (edema). To reduce swelling, they put their feet up on a stool or box whenever sitting for any length of time, and elevate their feet while they sleep.
Weight gain- they sometimes Aim for a weight gain or loss of ½ a pound to 1 pound a week during their third trimester. By the end of their pregnancy, you should have put on or lost a total of about 25 to 35 pounds. The extra pounds they've put on or taken off are made up of the baby's weight, plus the placenta, amniotic fluid, increased blood, and fluid volume, and added breast tissue. If their baby seems to be too small or too big based on the size of their belly, they will ask their doctor to do an ultrasound to check the baby’s growth.
Red Flag Symptoms
Any of these symptoms could be a sign that something is wrong with your pregnancy:
-Severe abdominal pain or cramps
-Severe nausea or vomiting
-Severe dizziness
-Pain or burning during urination
-Rapid weight gain (more than 6.5 pounds per month) or too little weight gain
Month Seven of Pregnancy
At the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, fat begins to be deposited on the baby. The baby is about 36 cm (14 inches) long and weighs from about 900 - 1800g (two to four pounds). Your baby's hearing is fully developed and he or she changes position frequently and responds to stimuli, including sound, pain, and light. Although,If born prematurely, your baby would probably survive after the seventh month of pregnancy.
Month Eight of Pregnancy
The baby, who is now about 46cm (18 inches) long and weighs as much as about 2.27 kg (five pounds), will continue to mature and develop body fat reserves. You may notice that your baby is kicking more. Baby's brain is developing rapidly at this time, and he or she can see and hear. Most internal systems are well developed, but the lungs may still be immature.
Month Nine of Pregnancy
Towards the end of the third trimester, your baby continues to grow and mature. His or her lungs are nearly fully developed. Your baby's reflexes are coordinated so he or she can blink, close the eyes, turn the head, grasp firmly, and respond to sounds, light, and touch.
Your baby's position changes to prepare itself for labor and delivery. The baby drops down in your pelvis, and usually his or her head is facing down toward the birth canal.
By the end of this pregnancy month, your baby is about 46- 51cm (18 to 20 inches) long and weighs about 3.2kg (seven pounds).
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