ABSTRACT A study on face morphing is proposed.The algorithms explains the extra feature of points on face and based on these feature points, images are portioned and morphing is performed. The algorithms has been used to generate morphing between images of face of different people as well as between images of face of individuals. To do face morphing, feature points are usually specified manually in animation industries. However,this approach involved computation of 3N dimensional probability density function, N being the number of pixels of the image, and we thought the approach was too much computation-demanding.Within the scope of this project, we built up a prototypical automatic animation generator that can take an arbitrary pair of facial images and generate morphing between them.The results of both inter and intra personal morphing are subjectively satisfactory.
1.Introduction Morphing applications are everywhere. Hollywood film makers use novel morphing technologies to generate special effects, and Disney uses morphing to speed up the production of cartoons. Among so many morphing applications, we are specifically interested in face morphing because we believe face morphing should have much more important applications than other classes of morphing.
2.Outline of Procedures adopted fig 1 2.1 Pre-Processing When getting an image containing human faces, it is always better to do some pre-processing such like removing the noisy backgrounds, clipping to get a proper facial image, and scaling the image to a reasonable size. So far we have been doing the pre-processing by hand because we would otherwise need to implement a face-finding algorithm. Due to time-limitation, we did not study automatic face finder.
Our goal was to find 4 major feature points, namely the two eyes, and the two end-points of the mouth.
References: [1] Martin Bichsel, "Automatic Interpolation and Recognition of Face Images by Morphing", proceedings of the 2nd international conference on automatic face and gesture recognition, pp128-135 [2] Jonas Gomes et al. "Warping and morphing of graphical objects ", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (1999).