# 1
Planning is a process which involves the determination of future course of action, that is why an action, what an action, how to take action and when to take action. Terry has defined planning in terms of future course of action.
He says that:
"Planning is the selection and relating of facts and making and using of assumptions regarding the future in the visualization and formalization of proposed activities believed necessary to achieve desired result"
Being a Manager of reputed company. I will take following steps to plan various activites:
It is not possible to prescribe a certain fixed process of planning for all organizations or for all types of plans.
The major steps in planning are the following:
1. Perception of Opportunities. It is related with the awareness of the opportunities for deciding whether a programme should at all be carried on. Any organisational activity requires the help of environment that is social factor. 2. Establishing Objectives in fact, the first step in planning process is the determination of organisation objectives. These objectives set the pattern of the proposed course of action and the purpose of the future action is to arrive at these objectives.
3. Establishing Planning Premises. Premises are the various factors that affect planning. There are several factors which affect the organisational functioning. These are political factors, ethical standards, government controls, fiscal policy, price, demand and availability of various factors of production. The information is collected in respect of these. Their analysis leads to make certain forecasts and the liminations are determined within which proposed course of action is to be undertaken.
1. Determining Alternative Course of