On reading the book titled Imagined Communities by Benedict Anderson, I have realized that most of our citizens identify themselves as a community, and they are limited to religious and the racial characteristics of their lives. Anderson explained that the “nation is imagined as limited because even the largest of them, encompassing perhaps a billion living human beings, has finite, if elastic boundaries, beyond which lie other nation.” I agree with this statement because, in our society today, Americans have a diversity of religions. Americans have the freedom to choose different religions such as Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Jews. Everyone is limited to his/her own division because Americans have a solid conviction in religious pluralism. Pluralism is the manner in which a society, through critical and self-critical meeting with each other, recognize, instead of, conceding our deepest differences. According to a Journal titled “On the limits of Rights and Representation,” Johnson (2015) explains that …show more content…
(2015). On the limits of Rights and Representation. Journal of Religious Ethics, 43 (4), 697-722.
Schulz, K.M. (20O6). Protestant- Catholic-Jew, Then and Now.
Skidelsky, R (2014). Rise of nationalism shows what unites Scotland and