Lenin Street
Angarsk ANG 665083
9 November 2012
Mr Anton Navarskiy
Danone Milk Products Inc
Gagarin Street
Moscow MSC 657303
Dear Mr Navarskiy
Further to your request, I hereby attach the report discussing and developing marketing strategy for Danone using IMC mix. As discussed with you during our previous meeting, I have concentrated in my studies on IMC mix tools currently used by the company. I find the mix one of the most proper way to communicate with consumers.
The report will discuss and give an explanation of using IMC mix in process of selling yogurt called Activia. Moreover, the report will support you with information how to use the tools of IMC mix in a proper way.
As a fact that our company produces and sells dairy products, the impact of Integrated Marketing Communications plays a great role in the final decision of potential consumers. So, the analyzed IMC mix in our company would provide you with necessary information to take into consideration.
I have conducted brief market research on the IMC mix that reveals different problems, such as how to promote the company, what kind of promotion works better, and what the ways of promotion can give the company as a result. So, the report will provide you the entire image of IMC mix. Thank you for giving me opportunity to work with you on the so important marketing project. If you have any questions about the report, do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Roman Shakirov
Roman Shakirov – Project Manager
Report on IMC mix in Danone Company
For: Mr. A. Navarskiy (The CEO of Danone in Russia)
From: Roman Shakirov (Project manager from marketing deportment of Danone)
Executive summary
The report is mostly based on the research of IMC mix and IMC objectives for Danone Company. From the beginning the company is still producing and selling dairy products for different kinds of audience. Indeed, interaction with consumers makes major key of success