April 26, 2010
Principal of IMC Analysis on Advertisement Principal of Marketing(MKT-101)
Prepare For:
Kashfia Ahamed
Department of Business Administration
Prepared By:
Faqurel Hasan 2009-1-10-299
Arifur Rahman Khan. 2009-1-10-145 Sifat Ahsan 2009-1-10-062 Md.Shariful Islam 2009-1-10-154 Fayaz 2009-1-10-150
Letter of transmitter
April 29,2010
Ms.Kashfia Ahamed
Department of Business Administration
East West University
43,Mohakhali C/A,Dhaka-1212.
Subject: Submission of report on IMC on Robi.
Dear Madam,
It is of great honor and delight to us to present you our term paper, prepared as a part of MKT 101 .When I do this job I feel me as a marketer it is a new experience to me and this paper will help me and also Robi.
We are grateful to you for giving us the basic knowledge to prepare this kind of hard work. We wish we will get always support from you and you will also get development from us.
On the behalf of the group
Arifur Rahman Khan…..2009-1-10-145
Firstly we would like to give thank to almighty allah. We believe that behind every success there is some inspiration and cop-operation of some special person who never appear in the picture but always provide support to make this term paper. secondly I would like to thank Ms kashfia Ahmed for giving us endless support .We work this promotional project in 5 ways ✓ Magazine ✓ Billboard ✓ Newspaper ✓ Radio ✓ Television
Executive summery :
Robi was Aktel and this company was started there journey on 1997.This is a 40:60 joint venture company . Bangladeshi TM and Singaporean telecom was
References: 1.MKT101 (Kotler). 2.Robi web sight. 3.Newspaper . 4.Magezine.