
Imc in Us Advertising

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Imc in Us Advertising
Integrated marketing communications in U.S. advertising agencies: An exploratory study
Author: Schultz, Don E; Kitchen, Philip J Source: Journal of Advertising Research v37n5, (Sep/Oct 1997): p.7-18 (Length: 12 pages) ISSN: 0021-8499 Number: 01552524 Copyright: Copyright Advertising Research Foundation 1997

Schultz, Don E, Philip J. Kitchen, "Integrated marketing communications in U.S. advertising agencies: An exploratory study," Journal of Advertising Research, vol.37, no.5, Sep/Oct 1997, pp.7-18.

This paper reviews the development of the concept of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) in terms of its theoretical foundations through an exploratory study of IMC within a judgment sample of U.S. advertising agencies (total estimated billings-$20.4 billion). The paper considers the arguments advanced from both academic and practitioner sides in relation to what IMC is and whether it offers significant value to advertising agencies and their clients in the rapidly changing communications marketspace leading toward the next millennium.

THIS PAPER IS ONE OF A SERIES relating to a continuing, now becoming worldwide, investigation of the emergent concept and field of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). The original research in this field began in 1991 by faculty at the Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University, in the United States (Caywood et al., 1991). This paper extends knowledge on how the concept of IMC is diffusing by providing an initial analysis of data on how senior advertising agency executives perceive IMC use and development in the United States. It provides a perspective on the current state of IMC and levels of implementation and usage in an important segment of the marketing communications landscape. Additional studies will follow with advertising agencies in India, Australia, New Zealand, and Norway. A similar study has already been conducted in the United Kingdom. Results of that study are not included

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