The needs of the American economy has produced a steady reliance on immigrants as day laborers and farm hands. Because of the low pay immigrants are willing to take many people become afraid of losing their jobs. “There is no one thing which does so much to bring about reduction of wages and to injure the American wage earner as the unlimited introduction of cheap foreign labor through unrestricted immigration” (Lodge, 1896). When the economy is healthy issues of immigration tend to be forgotten. On the other hand when the economy is in a decline people become fearful that their jobs will be lost because of …show more content…
Several options can be considered the first being the registration of guest workers. To impede illegal immigration the worker registration laws need to be implemented where an illegal guest worker is banned for life from working in the United States or deported in a timely manner. Such a law should additionally include steep fines or penalties for employers who hired unregistered guest works (Kane & Johnson, 2006). Secondly, allow guest workers or those even on student visas to register with a Guest Worker Program and be identified via biometrics. Biometrics are used in the search and registration of possible or known terrorists so the technology is already available. Such an action could’ve possibly prevented 9/11, where “Several of the hijackers had been able to obtain driver’s license and ID cards because states did not require proof that the applicant was in the United States legally” (Martin & Midgley, 2003). Another factor is the paperwork needs to be administered by a government agency so that employers can meet the immediate supply and demands of workers for their