Population reports show that “The combined population of the seven countries … is roughly 218 million.” (Brown et al). The point is that 218 million people are being affected by the ban in impactful ways. In these Muslim countries there are many conflicts within society that make the citizens lives highly dangerous. As an effect of the dangers in their society many citizens wanted to immigrate to America, a place of liberty for all. Many citizens worked on getting a visa their drive being to leave the conflict and violence occurring. Although the immigration ban abruptly stopped immigration from certain Muslim countries. On the day of the immigration ban being signed, there was chaos in the airports, “ Many people traveling on the day of the signing of the immigration ban were deplaned, and had to make their way back to their home country, and there was a lot of confusion for these people.” (Brown, et al) In making this comment, Brown is making a point that these people who had finally made it to America were taken back just, because of the ban, giving them a loss of hope. There were many families that had been separated as a cause of the ban. A four month year old Iranian girl, named Fatemah Reshad needs a life saving surgery for her heart, but was denied access to the United States for life preserving surgery. They were finally given …show more content…
The immigration ban is needed to ensure the safety of the American people. Furthermore, the president’s advisors explained, “telling other policymakers that if large numbers of Muslims are allowed to enter the U.S., parts of American cities will begin to replicate marginalized immigrant neighborhoods in France, Germany and Belgium that have been home to plotters of terrorist attacks in recent years, according to a White House aide familiar with the discussions.” (Bennett). In trends that have been seen that countries allowing Muslim immigrants have had more terrorist attacks, coming to the conclusion that terrorists are getting through the immigration programs. The government wants to protect U.S. citizens by fixing the immigration system, so terrorists won’t be able to come through the country. Most Americans tend to believe that Trump just wants to have mass roundups and deportations of immigrants. Although, a government official assured, “We don’t have the personnel, time or resources to go into communities and round up people and so all kinds of mass throwing fols on buses. That’s entirely a figment of folk’s imagination” (qtd. In Nakamura). People don’t have to worry the government doesn’t intend to have mass roundups, the president doesn’t want that, he wants a peaceful