(The Real Problem with Immigration... and the Real Solution, 2006). The majority of these immigrants are of the Hispanic race, and they are coming in swarms legally, as well as illegally. The illegal immigrants are able to find sanctuary in cities that are accepting of illegal immigrants, these cities are coined “sanctuary cities”. These cities, are harboring the immigrants, and in some cases have been known to protect them from deportation. These actions are undermining our national government as well as forfeiting national security, because many of these immigrants are violent. One suspect in a murder case has been convicted of 7 felonies and has been deported 5 times. (boozeman.senate.gov,) People such as this man show the real dangers of having illegal immigrants in our country. Other situations could include aliens being unregistered sex offenders, as well as common thieves. The major economic problem that they bring up is; when Illegal immigrants are employed, their work is done “under the table” or they aren’t legally employed; therefore their income is not registered by the federal government, and their fair amounts of taxes are not paid. These same people can work for less than minimum wage and can impose on the American labor …show more content…
Although nobody wants to be monitored, it may come to a point in which Arabic refugees and possibly even citizens may need to be monitored in fear of a terrorist attack on the mainland of the United States. Some possible solutions are firewalls that prevent access to pro ISIS websites and chat rooms. This could be fought by the first amendment, but at some point we need to think about how far freedom of expression can be taken, and if it is worth forfeiting the security of the United States to say we upheld our first amendment rights for a small group of people. Other solutions are adding to airport security and in refugee communities have limited access to the