When one is talking about immigration they are also including the concept of emigration. Emigration is the act of leaving one’s country in order to settle in another and is basically the opposite of immigration (Quach, 2012). People who have emigrated from their countries, especially Mexico, come to the U.S. to live the ‘American dream’ and have a better life. Children of illegal immigrants who are American born or have resided in the United States for most of their lives will be granted some rights provided by the Dream Act, compared to Romney, who lost more than half of the Latino
population’s vote due to his remark about immigration and how difficult he was going to make it so we can ‘solve the problem’. Another important concept associated with immigration and emigration is the concept of “brain drain.” Brain drain is the massive emigration of technically skilled people from one country to another (Quach, 2012). Individuals continue to emigrate to other countries to use their skills in work that help our economy, for example factory jobs not everyone is willing to take. However, the number of illegal immigrants coming into the United States is decreasing, with one reason due to the recession creating a deficit of jobs, and enforcement at borders are becoming stricter (Becerra, 2012). Immigration is becoming less of a huge problem, conversely children born in the
Cited: Becerra, Hector. (2012 November 14). Latino voter impact 'will be felt for generations, ' says report. Los Angeles Times. Quach, Christina. personal communication. October 2012)