Where immigrants live is an important element that contributes to the socio-economic differences between Penrith SSC and Bellevue Hill SSC. Graeme Hugo stated that ‘the location can influence access to work opportunities and the ability to interact with people who speak the same language and have similar cultural and religious backgrounds. It will influence the extent they are able to draw on the social capital embodied in networks with fellow settlers from the same background’ (2011, p.5).
For these reasons immigrants seem to be located in the same area, It is found that most residential concentrations of ethnic groups are in areas with lower socioeconomic status. Hence, the major concentrations of NESB populations (Non English
Speaking Background) are in the industrial and lower-cost housing areas of the major cities - for example, the western suburbs of Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide (Graeme Hugo, 1995, p. 11). Furthermore it is also noted by Mr Hugo that some of these ethnic groups tend to have language difficulties; social dislocation; reduced opportunity for economic advancement; and general deprivation.