One option to reform our immigration system is by thinking of our national interest and only admitting …show more content…
This is the best policy for the United States because increasing immigration benefits both citizens and current and future immigrants. There’s a concern that by letting anyone in, the American culture will be lost. However, our American culture, specifically the language that we speak, is not in danger. Because many immigrants come from Central America, there is a concern that Spanish will become the more popular language; however “88 percent of second generation and 94 percent of third generation Hispanics speak fluent English”. (Caplan) By implementing the policy and providing services to help them adjust to changes like language, the number of fluent English speaking Hispanics will only increase. Immigrants also help improve the American standard of living by “boosting wages and lowering prices” (Hamilton project). How this works is immigrants do not pursue the same jobs as native workers but instead “allow U.S.-born farmers, contractors, or craftsmen to expand agricultural production or to build more homes—thereby expanding employment possibilities and incomes for U.S. workers.”(Hamilton project). This overall increases the productivity of American workers, benefiting their standard of living. Increasing immigration also increases the new ideas that are brought to the United States because immigrants are “30 percent more likely to form new businesses than U.S.-born citizens” …show more content…
Regarding jobs, older immigrants had taken employment in lower waged jobs like construction and agriculture but their children “engage in occupations more closely resembling those of U.S.-born citizens than the occupations of their parents.” (Hamilton project). This is a concern because the jobs of American citizens are being threatened. Because of the competition citizens may lose their jobs to immigrants. Another concern about opening up immigration is the burden that immigrants bring regarding taxes. U.S. citizens don’t like that immigrants legal and illegal, receive benefits from social services. However, immigrants still “pay taxes on fake social security numbers” which only benefits the system because of the added money (Caplan). There is also a concern about the growing population. Even though there would be a significant increase in people, it wouldn’t hurt our economy because “if the population of the U.S. doubled overnight, the national debt (not deficit) would remain the same, and the per capita debt would halve [showing] immigrants can pull their own fiscal weight even if their tax bills are well below average.” (Caplan). Even though there are concerns with the policy, there isn’t a legitimate reason that the policy wouldn’t benefit our society. The policy even cuts costs because there isn’t a need for excessive