Diary for Recorded Learning / Reflective Practice
Name: Melissa Duchelle Nzuetom Mbakop Date of Event: 19/02/2013
Title of Event: IM injection
Cross Referenced to: SWOT Analysis and Learning contract.
What was the event?
I have enjoyed all the time I spent on the stroke ward during my placement with my mentor the rest of the staff. I had the opportunity to learn new skills every day which made me to know better and improve on practice. One the new skills I learned was giving an IM injection to a patient. Before I had to give the injection, my mentor explained how it is done and then she was there to supervise.
It was a great experience for me because I had to communicate with the patient and explain the procedure I had to carry out. Also, the injection was going straight into the muscles and the patient did not have enough flesh. When I gave the injection, I could feel the bone and it done without the patient feeling any pain. After I have finish with the injection, my mentor congratulated me and said “well done”
Having a compliment from my mentor and any other member of staff makes me more confident whenever I am in practice.
What did I learn from the event? * I learn how to position myself when giving an IM injection and where it is giving. * The different types of injections to use when giving IM injections. * How to communicate with patients and gain their concern. * To be polite to patients and always there to care for their needs at all time. * Always give time to patient if they are not ready. * To treat patients as individuals and maintain their dignity.
How can I apply this learning to