I, Samweli Daud, hereby declare that this work is my own and it has never been produced or submitted to any University or higher learning Institution for the similar or different award.
Name: Samweli Daud
Name: Mr.Ernest Nyanda
The undersigned certifies that he has read and hereby recommends for acceptance by St. Augustine University of Tanzania, a research report entitled:
……………………………… Date…………………….
Mr. E. Nyanda
©Copyright by Samweli Daud
May 2013.
All rights reserved, no part of this research paper shall be reproduced, neither stored in a retrieval system nor transmitted in any other form or means, electronically or mechanically including photocopying and recording without the prior permission from Samweli Daud OR St.Augustine on Behalf.
This work is dedicated to my beloved parents Mr. Samweli Hewa and Mrs. Elizabeth Samweli for their tireless moral guidance, always they kept on insisting hardworking to me and they made me be someone today.
Also special thanks and grateful dedication is directed to my friends, Judith Mtui ,Temu John and Dioniz John and many others from sociology 2013 class at St,Augustine University of Tanzania.Your concrete deliberate support and presence had made me excel towards successful completion of this Research report.
May the Almighty God of Heaven bless every work of your hands.
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