The Process of Speciation
Although speciation could be seen as both a natural and a manmade phenomenon, in the case of continental drift it is a naturally occurring one. The process of speciation takes place when a group of animals of the same species find themselves isolated from one another.[2] There are many cases in which speciation can occur outside of continental drift, some examples are mountain ranges and large bodies of water. Continental drift mainly effects plant species and animal species that live in a wide range; the drifting of the continents broke up and separated species in such a way it was no longer possible for them to come in contact with one another. The non-contact relationship members of that species share with each other would eventually result in genetic isolation in which it would no longer be possible for those species to exchange genes and reproduce with each other. Therefore those now separate species would change themselves for natural selection so they can fit and adapt to their new
Bibliography: 1. Dawkins, Richard. The Selfish Gene. Oxford University Press. 1976. 2. Van Nostrand’s Scientific Encyclopaedia. Volume 3 page 147 3. 4. ----------------------- [1] Quote by Richard Dawkins. [2] Definition courtesy of [3] Refer to Figure A in appendix [4] Refer to Figure B in appendix