The Rat Zodiac Sign in 2013
Is your birth year represented by the Rat symbol in Chinese astrology? Are you curious about what's in store for you in 2013? Let's have a quick look at how feng shui can improve your overall luck in the year of the Water Snake.
Be sure your zodiac sign is actually a Rat, as Chinese New Year starts on a different day each year (and never on January 1). It is also helpful to know your birth feng shui element. Check your Chinese zodiac sign and element.
I will start with a word of caution first. The feng shui tips given here should be used with a discriminating eye as they are based on general predictions for your Chinese zodiac sign.
There is definitely much more to every human being that just the symbology of the year the person is born. If you are familiar with astrology, you know that even several minutes make a big difference in a person's birth chart.
Still, exploring these feng shui tips will definitely help improve your energy and make you more aware of the potential the Water Dragon year might have for you.
OVERALL: Generally, the Water Snake energy of 2013 is considered to be a bit challenging for the Rat. 2013 can still be a successful year for business and career endeavours, as well as personal relationships because it will bring many opportunities for change. Metal and Water Rats can do the best this year because of element compatibility.
WEALTH & CAREER: To strengthen career luck, Rat people can look into feng shui career success tips and cures and choose ones that work best with the birth element. For example, if your birth element is Wood, choose a Water element (blue or black) rather than a Fire element (red or purple) feng shui decor item.
LOVE: 2013 can be both a good year for attracting or strengthening a major love relationship, as well as a year to experience being by yourself. It all depends on how the Rat people will use the many