According to “wood worth” a prominent psychologist environment cover all the outside factors that have acted on the individual since begin life.”
Environment plays influencing role on the growth and development of the individual behavior and other personality characteristic such as anxiety, frustration, stress, aggression and violence etc. these influences can be further divided into three areas, physical, social, and behavior.
The physical surrounding and the stimuli like the earth, rivers, mountains, the type of weather and climatic conditions, the food we eat, the water we drink etc. while the parents ,members of the family , friends and class mates, neighbor, teacher the member of the community and society are including those forces that provide the individual his social and cultural environment for the shaping of human personality and behavior. Behavioral setting defines as smaller with in environment defined as collection of activity of individual and action and reaction of human.
We can say that environmental factors are predominantly accountable for the interest, attitude, habits, temperaments, etiquettes and manners and social norms. Its environment which is said to be more responsible for making the individual what he is at a particular time. Environment processes have powerful influence on behavior experience can contribute to wiring, or rewiring of brain, repeated experience especially add to this wiring and rewiring.
Behavior of an individual may, be supposed to b controlled by environmental force and not by the hereditary or innate indifferences. The strong conviction about the stimulus response automatization and environmental influence made as John, b Watson asserts Boldly in 1926 that “Give me dozen healthy infants and ill shape their behavior and personality. I will guarantee to take any one at random and train him to