Short Term Effects:
The short term affects are that they would have no food which would cause the mass of Haiti to starve which would cause either great illness or death.
They would have no clean water which could lead to getting diseases EG. Typhus! It is dangerous to drink unsafe water as it could lead to death.
All communications were down which causes affect because there would be no chance of getting supplies to Haiti at this time and it would cause a big dilemma due to the state the Haiti people would be in after this dreadful incident.
There would be lack of medical aid, this would cause problems because the majority of the Haiti would be injured badly if not fatal injuries that need tending to. So the people of Haiti would have been prioritised due to lack of medical care. If there was no chance of being saved in such a short time someone else would get the care. Whereas if there were medical aid was available everyone would be seen to and helped as much as possible.
The ports and roads would have been closed making it difficult for supplies to get to them in on road vehicles which would have an impact again on the people of Haiti as they wouldn’t have any food or water.
The spread of disease would have short but major effects on the country as medical aid wasn’t commonly available and only available in small doses leaving the spread of disease dangerously occurring around Haiti with nothing to stop it causing people to be ill and death would be the main factor.
Fires and destroyed buildings is dangerous because they will be of course all over the ground leaving sharp and dangerous objects on the floor causing injuries if fell or stood on and the fires are dangerous as the people of Haiti would be breathing in the smoke causing again illness and people needing medical