KEY WORDS; FDI, Agriculture, Seed production, Consumer market, Aggregate demand, GDP,
1. INTRODUCTION Today the hot most debated topic and emotive reactions are because of FDI in India is one of the most stirring and promising markets in the globe. Technical and Skilled human resources are the finest available in the world. Private sector is the lifeblood of economic activity in India which is energetic and well spirited. Middle class population of India is greater than the population of the USA or the European Union which provide India a key place in International competition. Starting from a baseline of less than $1 billion in 1990, India reached more than $24.2 billion to FDI in 2010. A recent UNCTAD survey projected, India as the second most important
References: 1. Economic Reforms, Foreign Direct Investment and its Economic Effects in India by Chandana Chakraborty Peter Nunnenkamp March 2006 2. Reserve bank of India online databases on FDI in farming Retrieved from ( 3. Retrieved from blog’s at Economic time’s news paper. 4. Retrieved from publications at 5. Retrieved from tamilnadu agricultural university Coimbatore publications at 6. D. Gupta, “Whither the Indian Village, “Economic and Political Weakly, February2005. 7. P Shivakumar and S Senthilkumar, ‘Growing Prospective of Retail Industry in and around India”, Advances in Management, Vol 4(2), 2011.