The word Globalisation is a catch phrase in India since the decade of 90’s.It means integrating Indian economy, its ideas and culture with other countries of the world. The principle objective of education is the overall development of an individual. Education is undergoing constant changes under the effects of globalisation. The effects of globalisation on education bring rapid developments in technology and communications are foreseeing changes within learning systems across the world as ideas, values and knowledge, changing the roles of students and teachers, and producing a shift in society from industrialisation towards an information-based society. In the research paper an effort is made to highlight the positive and negative implications of Globalisation on education and also remedies to the challenges faced by it. On moving towards its positive aspects it is evident that due to globalization there is explosion of knowledge. Access to knowledge has been made easier through Information Technology, satellites, supersonic travel etc, No country can afford to erect walls around it. A country like India for example, has no reason to discard globalisation because it has a large potential for natural resources, large national market, strong industrial base, a powerful R & D infrastructure and above all a highly knowledgeable and skilled manpower that can stand on its own in global competition and rise to any challenge. Employment based education was the most precious gift of gobalisation. Education can be globalised in three ways: (i) By setting up educational campuses abroad, (ii) By offering educational programmes in foreign countries through tie-ups or collaborations with their educational institution, and (iii) By admitting foreign and NRI students in our educational institutions. On moving towards its darker side, there are many challenges faced by our education system. Due to commercialization of education it creates a divide between ‘haves’ and ‘havenots’.As education came in the reach of privates institutions it is going out of reach of poor.Moreover, the quality of education imparted in private and govt. institution have the difference of sky and earth.Quality of education in govt. institution is degrading and private institutions are beyond the reach. What a pity! Many foreign institutions and other private institutions are merely degree delivering machines. The objective of education from knowledge sharing is shifting merely to profit maximizing. This is a degradation in the values of Indian education system which has the glory of ‘Vishw Guru’ and where the concept of gurukul and teacher-student relationship exists but today that respect of student towards teacher and even the dedication and care of teacher towards student is missing. Along with all these, the increase craze of medical, engineering and business administration and downfall in plain courses of science, commerce and arts has only resulted in many doctors ,engineers and MBA students not recognized and no longer produces efficient and honest administrators which is a die-heart need in country like India which is in the grip of cancerous corruption. Looking to all its positivity and negativities the attempt in the research paper is to explore the remedies to the challenges faced by education .To make globalization meaningful and productive, we need to design a system of education that is universal, affordable, based on the principles of justice and related to the life of the community. This new universal system of education must incorporate social and moral values in its curriculum and produce world citizens who are free from prejudices and who are the builders of an ever advancing civilisation.
The word Globalisation is a catch phrase in India since the decade of 90’s.It means integrating Indian economy, its ideas and culture with other countries of the world. The principle objective of education is the overall development of an individual. Education is undergoing constant changes under the effects of globalisation. The effects of globalisation on education bring rapid developments in technology and communications are foreseeing changes within learning systems across the world as ideas, values and knowledge, changing the roles of students and teachers, and producing a shift in society from industrialisation towards an information-based society. In the research paper an effort is made to highlight the positive and negative implications of Globalisation on education and also remedies to the challenges faced by it. On moving towards its positive aspects it is evident that due to globalization there is explosion of knowledge. Access to knowledge has been made easier through Information Technology, satellites, supersonic travel etc, No country can afford to erect walls around it. A country like India for example, has no reason to discard globalisation because it has a large potential for natural resources, large national market, strong industrial base, a powerful R & D infrastructure and above all a highly knowledgeable and skilled manpower that can stand on its own in global competition and rise to any challenge. Employment based education was the most precious gift of gobalisation. Education can be globalised in three ways: (i) By setting up educational campuses abroad, (ii) By offering educational programmes in foreign countries through tie-ups or collaborations with their educational institution, and (iii) By admitting foreign and NRI students in our educational institutions. On moving towards its darker side, there are many challenges faced by our education system. Due to commercialization of education it creates a divide between ‘haves’ and ‘havenots’.As education came in the reach of privates institutions it is going out of reach of poor.Moreover, the quality of education imparted in private and govt. institution have the difference of sky and earth.Quality of education in govt. institution is degrading and private institutions are beyond the reach. What a pity! Many foreign institutions and other private institutions are merely degree delivering machines. The objective of education from knowledge sharing is shifting merely to profit maximizing. This is a degradation in the values of Indian education system which has the glory of ‘Vishw Guru’ and where the concept of gurukul and teacher-student relationship exists but today that respect of student towards teacher and even the dedication and care of teacher towards student is missing. Along with all these, the increase craze of medical, engineering and business administration and downfall in plain courses of science, commerce and arts has only resulted in many doctors ,engineers and MBA students not recognized and no longer produces efficient and honest administrators which is a die-heart need in country like India which is in the grip of cancerous corruption. Looking to all its positivity and negativities the attempt in the research paper is to explore the remedies to the challenges faced by education .To make globalization meaningful and productive, we need to design a system of education that is universal, affordable, based on the principles of justice and related to the life of the community. This new universal system of education must incorporate social and moral values in its curriculum and produce world citizens who are free from prejudices and who are the builders of an ever advancing civilisation.