Question 1. Using one specific company, with which you are familiar, examine the actual and potential impacts of globalisation on that company. Explain the reasoning behind the points you make. Evaluate possible strategies going forward which the company might use to respond to the impacts of globalisation you have identified.
Table of Contents
1. Background 1.1 What is Globalization? 1.2 The Importance of Globalization regarding a business 1.3 Nokia - a brief introduction
2. Characteristics and issues influencing Globalisation
3. How globalisation impacts the company
3. 1 Product 3 .2 Logistics 3. 3 Acquisitions
4. Evaluation and recommendations
4.1 Rugman and Collinsons integration-responsiveness framework 4.2 PEST analysis 4.3 SWOT analysis 4.4 Conclusion
5. Bibliography
Part 1 – Background
1.1 What is Globalization?
“Globalization - the growing integration of economies and societies around the world...“
The World Bank
Globalization is a very wide concept involving such diverse areas as global and domestic economies, politics, sociology and international relations. Because of this there is no general consensus regarding the definition of this phenomena. There also isn’t a clear agreement between when globalization began. Some say that it actually began when Christopher Columbus discovered America in the late 15th century and brought back such goods as tobacco, various spices and some others. While others say it’s a relatively new and began in the 19th century with the Industrial Revolution. However people tend to agree that it’s never had such wide impact as in the last 20 years due to the introduction of the internet, mobile phones, decreased costs of transportation and manufacture of various goods.
It’s agreed by most people that at least the following three elements are commonly involved in globalization:
• Shrinking Space. The lives of
Bibliography: Wikipedia. 2010. List of acquisitions by Nokia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 November 2010]. Wikipedia. 2010. Globalization. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 November 2010]. Nokia. 2010. The story of Nokia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 November 2010]. Newlaunches. 2007. Nokia 's phone history timeline.[online] Available at: [Accessed 30 November 2010]. Articlesbase. 2007. Nokia - the History. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 December 2010]. Dw-World. 2008. German Politicians Return Cell Phones Amid Nokia Boycott Calls. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 December 2010]. Spiegel Online International. 2008. German State Demands €60 Million from Nokia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 December 2010]. Griffiths, A. and Wall, S. 2008. Economics for business and management. 2nd ed. Pearson Education Limited. Brooks, I. Weatherston, J. and Wilkinson, G. 2010. The international business environment. :challenges and changes. 2nd Ed. Financial Times/ Prentice Hall Dicken, P Cullen, B. J, and Parboteeah P. K. 2009. International business :strategy and the multinational company. 1st ed. T & F Books US