
Impact Of Globalization On American Culture

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Impact Of Globalization On American Culture
Peter Morrisette
MIS 204
10 January 2018
The importation of cultures from around the world can be seen in the United States almost everywhere, many people are probably not even aware that some of things the wear, eat and watch are influenced from foreign cultures. Many new technology devices that people in the United States daily are designed and made in foreign countries and then brought here to be sold. The spread of countries cultural values and technology can be brought to the United states in various ways, such as people travelling to the United states, foreign entertainment, and the internet.
People travelling to, or returning to the United States can bring back other countries influences with them. For example, a tourist could bring back food, clothing, or a new technology that people in the here have not seen before.
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Foreign entertainment also has a big influence on the American culture. Entertainment such as movies, music and sports can also have a very big impact on the American culture. Movies can influence the way people dress and act, for example they may watch a foreign movie and then want to dress or act like one of the characters that they see in the film. Music from other countries can also have an influence on what people in the US listen to, for example a popular song in another country could become mainstream in the United States and could be played on the radio for millions of people to hear. Foreign sports such as soccer have a big influence in the United States. Soccer is a lot more popular in Europe than it is in the USA. People from the United States who may enjoy European soccer may watch all of their teams games and buy jerseys of their favorite player. Lastly, the internet is a very big influencer of foreign values on the United States. On the internet, people from the United states can see many things about foreign cultures online and can incorporate them into their own lives. The internet allows

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