A Research Paper
Presented to
Ms. Lydia A. Basaysay
In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements of the Course in
Communication Arts II
Presented by:
Angel Joy Mandigal
Far Eastern University-Makati
October 4, 2012
In the late 1980’s there are various environmental disasters that exist which makes the environmentalism in the spotlight. Among these were the Exon Valdez Oil Spill in Alaska, devastation of Germany’s Black Forest by acid rain, release of toxic chemicals in the Rhine River and the volcanic eruption o`f Mount Pinatubo in Philippines according to Ottman (1998 as cited in Suplico 2009). Those environmental issues that mentioned are antecedent by the world’s growing population that leads to scarcity of goods. As a result, “green” were introduced in the market that helps to make less damaging to the environment.
In a study of Nandini & Deshpande (2011) stated that the green concept are seen in the United States and has been gaining steadily ever since. In detailed, business firms realized that this environmental issue serves as a marketing opportunity for them. They believed that it will help them to increase their business profit thus; they started to adopt the concept of green marketing by implementing green consuming in measures to save earth’s resources in production. Tan &Yeap (2012)
On the other hand, Suplico (2009) cited that marketing fulfils business and human purpose by providing benefits to customers through products such as the food people eat, the clothes they wear, the house where they live and the cars they drive. Hence, the decisions on what products to make and how to offer them are the responsibility of marketing functions. Additionally, Fuller (2009) stated that the decisions on what products
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