Background of the Study I. Introduction
“I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” * Albert Einstein
As the world gets older there is a big change in the environment of human living. It improves the knowledge of human beings to invent or create things that they think would improve the lifestyle of each individual called technology. In modernization nowadays, using gadget is very chronic in use. People were able to do their job much better, easier and dependent to it. Technology is more accessible in some of the aspect just like in gathering information, easier way of communication and as well as entertainment. It is convenient that even an individual can use these gadgets wherever they are, at home, in their work place, school and public places. But there are some consequences in using these gadgets and being a technology dependent individual nowadays it could be positive and some have been negative, but for we all know, technology has changed the way people live today. We see and use technology every day, from the moment we wake up to check our on- line social networking sites to the moment we go to bed and set our alarm clocks. It’s played an important part in the medical field which specialized in knowing the health condition of a person, but it has also made people lazy and dependent on technology. This is how the widely extent use of the technology nowadays.
Since the appearance of technology, everyone seems to be busy in facing their own gadgets like sending messages, e-mails and posting status on social networks. People tend to neglect a face to face conversation with others and even to their families at home. There is no balance in health and interpersonal relationship which is to be considered as most important role in the life of a human being that will function well in living every day. The minds of an individual is locked up and more attached to
References: Articles Theibaud, J. (2010). Proceedings of the Media Ecology Association, Volume 11, 2010. Retrieved July 12, 2013 from Powers, B. ( 2012, December 19). Einstein’s prediction of tech-crazy idiots rings true. Retrieved July19, 2013 from The Effects of Modern Technology (2012). Retrieved from Books Larsen, R. J. & Buss, D. M. (2010). Personality psychology: domains of knowledge about human nature. Avenue of the Americas, New York: Mc Graw Hill Goggin, G. (2011). Global Mobile Media. Madison ave, New York: Routledge Berson, I. & Berson, M. (Eds.). (2010). High-tech Tots Childhood in a Digital World. United States of America: Information Age Publishing