Declaration i
Abstract II
Table of Content v
Preamble 7
1.1 Electronic Banking……………………………………………………………………….....12
1.2 The Concept and definition of ICT.....................................................................................13
1.3 ICT in Banking Operations..................................................................................................16
1.4 Information and Communication Technology.................................................................17
1.5 Overview of the Use of ICT in Banks in Ghana................................................................20
1.6 Forms of ICT Innovations by Ghanaian Banks.................................................................24 1.6.1 Automated Teller Machines (ATMs).................................................................24 1.6.2 Telephone Banking...............................................................................................25 1.6.3 Personal Computer Banking...............................................................................26 1.6.4 Internet Banking...................................................... .............................................26 1.6.5 Branch Networking...............................................................................................27 1.6.6 Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale (EFTPoS).......................................28
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