Blekinge Institute of Technology
ICT in Marketing
A Study of The Use of Internet and Mobile Phones in Five Selected Companies in Dublin
Author: Alexander Oyetunde Oshunloye (730827-P217) Supervisor: Thomas Danborg
Thesis for the Master’s degree in Business Administration Spring 2009
Title: Author: ICT in Marketing: A Study of The Use of Internet and Mobile Phones in Five Selected Companies in Dublin Alexander Oyetunde Oshunloye
Supervisor: Thomas Danborg Department:School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology Course: Master thesis in business administration, FE 2413, 15 credits (ECTS) Background and Problem Discussion: According to Paulina, George and Nikolaos 2007, companies still fall short of their target, despite advancements in ICT marketing. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) like CRM, ERP and Intranet are considered important for creating competitive advantage. Despite their rapid deployment rates, only a few studies mainly from the information technology (IT) and engineering literature have been devoted in uncovering the factors that influence the diffusion of new information technologies and their proper use within an organization. Similarly, empirical studies regarding the impact of ICT diffusion and their proper use in organizations seem limited. A research by Butler 1995, indicated that the increasing popularity of the Internet as a business tool can be attributed to its current size and prospected growth, as well as its attractive demographics. The Internet 's potential to provide an efficient channel for advertising and marketing efforts is overwhelming, and yet no one is really sure how to use the Internet for these activities. Even in advanced economies, for example, Canada, mobile marketing is still an emerging technology (Kinetix Media Communications – (Accessed 16/03/08). In an attempt to fill this research void, the study examined the implementation
References: 63 Henry-Labordere, Arnaud & Jonack, Vincent, (2004) – SMS and MMS Interworking in Mobile Networks, Artech House Incorporated 64 NOIE (2000) 65 Steinfeld, Charles Kraut, Robert and Plummer, Alice (1995)