A network via which information is displayed globally. It is the best medium. The topic is both beneficial and detrimental.
Definition: Internet is a network which connects the whole world, from which we automatically think of www which represents World Wide Web. It covers a wide spectrum.
We must admit that it is one of the most astounding achievements of the 21st century. It is a medium by which people are virtually (intangible- unseen but it is there) connected. People are linked in a virtual manner. It was vulgarized (made known to people) in the 1980s. We cannot deny that the internet is highly beneficial. The world at large has experienced a boom in its use. Users throughout the world claim its advantages. However the drawbacks are as numerous as the advantages and many are those who have regretted using the internet. They have suffered somehow. Therefore we are in a dilemma_ use it or not? The topic is full of contention and dissensions that countries- sociologists, criminologists have admitted the dangers but are not able to stop its spread.
1. Cost
No other service can break the records that the net has established. It is a record breaker in terms of cost and the cheapest medium of communication. It costs more to post a letter or make a phone call or a journey. Irrespective of distance and time, we incur the same cost. 2. Speed
Nothing beats the speed of working via the internet. Works which require prompt intervention ( for example filling of important documents, applications to universities, reserving one’s seat in schools and universities, telephone/water bills, VAT forms etc. 3. Means of mass communication
Communication to a great number of people at the same time is possible. The mass media includes TV, newspaper, radio, etc. Internet is also another one. We can mail a message to the whole world at the same time. This is an advanced technology we enjoy through the internet. It can spread information just as the