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Technology is the knowledge of techniques and processes that can be used to accomplish particular goals and objectives efficiently. Modern technology is the advancement of previously used methods applied to the production of goods and services. The impact of modern technology on human lives is inevitable and immeasurable. Technology has provided ways to complete several tasks on a quicker pace and in an efficient way. Modern technology is technically not new; it is the evolvement and advancement of already existing technology. Technology is used by every individual to accomplish several tasks or objectives on a daily basis. (use of technology) The purpose of technology is to increase the production of work and simply the methods of production to increase productivity and efficiency. Technology simplifies tasks and increases human capabilities. Although, technology has replaced humans in most fields of work, but it is the main cause of the high levels of production. Technology is defined in a different way by every individual. For some people, it has been a source of practical and radical methods to accomplish particular tasks. On the other hand, most individuals believe that is has complicated simpler tasks and replaced human skills and techniques and made people more dependant.
In the past, technology was used as a means of ensuring survival of human life. It was used to make the tasks to complete basic human needs easier and simpler. In the present era, the advancement in modern technology has been helpful in enhancing the daily functions of our lives. As the human lifestyle keeps evolving, improvement in technology keeps providing us with upgrades of the already existing technology. Most people complain that it has caused the loss of many jobs and has replaced human labor. But technology has also helped to create easier ways to start a business and created
Bibliography: bab.la. (n.d.). the influence of modern technology on society good or bad. Retrieved 03 24, 2015, from lexio philes: http://www.lexiophiles.com/english/the-influence-of-modern-technology-on-society-good-or-bad elena_r. (n.d.). Retrieved 03 24, 2015, from sciforums: http://www.sciforums.com/threads/modern-technology-and-its-impact-on-our-lives.135984/ new generation modern technology. (n.d.). Retrieved 03 24, 2015, from http://simplyrabz.weebly.com/advantages-and-disadvantages.html RooGirl. (n.d.). Retrieved 03 24, 2015, from http://roogirl.com/25-negative-effects-of-technology/ use of technology. (n.d.). Retrieved 03 24, 2015, from http://www.useoftechnology.com/modern-technology-advantages-disadvantages/