* Prof. H.P. Sinha
The paper deals with the significance of Modern Technologies in development of open Learning System using Distance Education Concept.
Education in considered as foundation stone for development of mankind. This is meant to equalize opportunities for everyone including poor, disadvantaged and women living in every corner of world in general and developing nations in particular. The people living in rural and remote areas must have the opportunity to enjoy the fruit of modern education. Modern Technologies play vital role in propagation of education from existing resources to each and every part of the world crossing all the geographical boundaries and social barriers. Presently, satellite communication, optical communication and computer communication have wonderfully enhanced the educational capabilities. Telecommunications are effective media for transmission of informations and as such quite instrumental for development process using Communication Technology. As a result, distance barrier in educational development is eliminated. Thus, educational programmes can be readily and easily accessed through latest technologies by all concerned without any discrimation. Distance Education has proved to be significant milestone in Human Resource Development in present era. In new millennium, challenges posed by fast changing higher education system have got to be successfully faced or coped which would be ultimate yardstick for success at micro as well as macro levels. It has been observed that industrial era has been transformed into information era. And it is important to help learners to navigate through the sea of information.
---------------------------------------* Executive Secretary, Indian Society for Technical Education, New Mehrauli Road,