Impact of Power Distance:
Comparison among Multi-National Companies
Western Kentucky University
Nevil C. Speer, PhD, MBA
May 8, 2009
Table of content I. Introduction………………………………………………………………………….. 3 II. Impact of power distance toward facework strategies………………………………..7 a) The correlation between power distance and Organizational changes…………..10 b) The correlation between power distance and injustice…………………………. 11 c) The correlation between power distance and individualism/collectivism……….13 d) The correlation between power distance and self-management…………………16 III. Impact of power distance toward decision making………………………………….16 a) Face-to-face participative decision-making……………………………………..19 b) Collective participative decision-making………………………………….…….20 c) Paternalistic participative decision-making……………………………………..22 d) Pseudo participative decision-making…………………………………………...23 IV. Impact of power distance toward effective leadership……………………………....24 V. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………...27 VI. References…………………………………………………………………………...30
Introduction Imagine a convenient 21st century office place with a high salary, a cozy chair and working desk, the latest office computer with all high technology systems. Everything you could ask for except nice subordinates who are willing to co-operate with you and a boss who is willing to treat you equally because you do not know and understand how to deal with the culture beyond this situation. I believe that this situation would probably happen to many employees in the world. This is the situation for Brianna Loftus who works for a multinational company Tetra Pack, who just got promoted but has to move to another country whose culture is totally different from hers. A
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