7) Premature birth: Smoking during pregnancy can lead to pre mature birth due to premature rupture of membranes. A pregnant smoker's body is more likely to end her pregnancy sooner in an…
We developed an understanding of the long and short term risks with smoking through researching on the internet on websites to do with cancer research and ASH. We discovered a lot of benefits to stopping smoking. One benefit was that their life expectancy increased and stopping also helped their lungs to recover and decreased the risk of contracting diseases such as Emphysema. We found information about pregnant women and their unborn children and how smoking can effect them. We found that the child could be miscarried, or they could have a considerably lower birth rate compared to other children whose mothers didn’t smoke during their pregnancy. Furthermore, we also found information about how harmful passive smoking is to children and adults. We found out that young children could experience cot death and become deaf through middle ear disease. Furthermore, we found information supporting that adults could contract lung cancer through passive smoke which we found was 80% invisible.…
This report will inform you on the contemporary issue of prenatal drug exposure, and the impact of it on a child’s future and development. I will be specifically targeting Marijuana. I will cover the points of; behavioral issues, and the increased risk of depression during teenage years. Children that have been exposed to the drug while still in the womb do not have any obvious side effects or defects at birth, and they often do not show up until later on in their development. Thus making this reports contents based on the exposed children’s lives from 3 years of age and up.…
Author, Marian Freedman is a freelance writer who has been writing for Contemporary Pediatrics. Contemporary Pediatrics is an online database where pediatricians can go to find new and important information. The website is updated frequently by other pediatric doctors who want to share their information with other doctors. Freedman believes that adolescents and young adults who have reported using electronic cigarettes are more liking to progress into smoking cigarettes. This is compared to those who have not reported using a electronic cigarette. The information presented in this piece was collected from a survey of 694 individuals aged between 16-26 years old. Freeman strongly encourages young people not to smoke any sort of cigarette because…
When babies are born they are addicted to the nicotine and will go through withdrawals. Some of those withdrawals could be that they are more excitable, jittery, abnormally tense and rigid, and requiring more handling to calm them. They also show greater stress to the nervous system, the digestive system, and their vision. These symptoms are less noticeable and…
Mehta MC, Jain AC & Billie MD. 2001. _Combined Effects of Cocaine And Nicotine On_…
Tobacco Use and Pregnancy. (2014, January 28). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved February 4, 2014, from http://www.cdc.gov/Reproductivehealth/Tob…
Cigarette smoking or exposure to second hand smoke can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, low birth weight, premature birth, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), developmental delays, cleft palate (unformed roof of the mouth and upper lip, as well as nasal septum), asthma/respiratory problems, and failure to thrive. Avoiding exposure to teratogens during pregnancy is the safest way to avoid the lifelong issues that can be devastating to your children and your family.…
A smoking habit is a physical addiction to tobacco products that holds serious health consequences. (Encyclopaedia of Children’s…
Rapidly increasing rates of use among teenagers is creating worry in parents and in pediatricians. The chemicals contained therein such as nicotine, formaldehyde and diethylene glycol are dangerous substances that can cause poisonings and other adverse effects in exposed humans. So although, “the emissions from e-cigarettes have been publicized as ‘harmless water vapor,’ accumulating evidence demonstrates that the vapor inhaled into the user’s lungs does contain numerous known toxins and carcinogens such as formaldehyde and tobacco- specific nitrosamines (carcinogenic substances)” (Pros and Cons of E-cigarette Regulations…
The use of illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol exact a steep price from our society. Substance abuse is a factor in many serious ills such as crime. More upsetting, however, is the affects that it has on children born affected from their dependent mothers. The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that 60 percent of women of childbearing age consume alcoholic beverages despite the fact that alcohol consumption during pregnancy is implicated in a wide range of birth defects and developmental disabilities, including mental retardation, physical abnormalities, and visual and auditory impairments. (Nevitt, 1996)…
A child who has been exposed to cocaine during prenatal development may experience mild cognitive delay or mentally retarded at the age of 2. They may have to work harden than other kids and need assist on focusing their attention and staying alert. There’s a region in the brain that control the child’s ability to pay attention which affects the child’s learning and memory and also interrupt the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the baby when exposed to cocaine. The child may also be delay in fine and gross motor development that will be revealing when they get older. Some cocaine exposed child experience some behavior problems.…
(Study Raises Concerns Youth E-Cigarette, 2015) Part of the blame can be put on the individual states. In some states electronic cigarettes are not age restricted, so anyone of any age can walk into a store and purchase one. Another point of contention is that limited studies have shown that electronic cigarettes can produce formaldehyde, a known carcinogen (Carbonyl Compounds Generated from Electronic Cigarettes, 2014). Another issues lies in that fact that, like real cigarettes, electronic cigarettes in most cases contain nicotine, which in high concentration is a toxic poison. Since the release of electronic cigarettes there has been a rise in the number of calls to local poison control centers regarding accidental ingesting of electronic cigarettes liquid. (Poisoning Cases Related to E-Cigarettes Skyrocket, 2014) While the diluted nicotine contained in the finished liquid for electronic cigarettes does not contain a very concentrated nicotine, the worry lies in the fact that small children ¬¬are more susceptible to lower doses of nicotine, and the sweet and fruity flavors in the liquid may be appealing to them. (Poisoning Cases Related to E-Cigarettes Skyrocket, 2014) In December 2014. a child in New York died after ingesting liquid nicotine. (Child Death Liquid Nicotine,…
The study in question, by Virender Rehan of the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute, and his colleagues, was of the intergenerational effects of nicotine. It was done in rats, but a rat’s physiology is sufficiently similar to a human’s to suspect the same thing may be true in Homo sapiens. In a nutshell, Dr Rehan showed that if pregnant rats are exposed to nicotine, not only will their offspring develop the asthma induced by this…
It is common knowledge that second hand smoke is extremely dangerous for your health and even more dangerous to infants and children. Exposure to second hand smoke causes 150,000 to 300,000 acute lower respiratory tract infections (pneumonia and bronchitis) annually in children 18 months and younger; these infections result in 7,500 to 15,000 hospitalizations each year. Second hand smoke exposure causes buildup of fluid in the middle of the ear, resulting in childhood operations and of childhood hearing loss. A California EPA study estimates that 46,000 (range is between 22,700 and 69,600) cardiovascular deaths, 3400 lung cancer deaths and 430 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) deaths are annually associated with second hand smoke exposure.1 Many children are essentially forced to breathe in toxic fumes and particulates due to their parents’, siblings’, and surrounding elders’ poor choices. Enforcing stricter smoking laws and regulations can drastically help the effects second hand smoke causes in children’s health. “Choice” is a key word and the children do not have one. It is up to us, as responsible adults, to protect them and give them a healthy living environment for them to grow and develop in. Second- hand smoke, side-stream smoke or passive smoke can affect anyone near it, including innocent children which are sometimes overlooked. Infants and young children are especially susceptible since their lungs are still developing and childhood exposure to second hand smoke results in decreased lung function. Children who breathe second hand smoke are more likely to suffer from cough, wheeze, phlegm and breathlessness.2 There are many ways we can help protect them with simple changes in the way we live today.…