This introduction covers the background of the study, objectives of the study, research questions scope of the study, significance, purpose and organization of the study.
Global sourcing and procurement practice is recognized in provision of services such as application management, assets management, credit and other back office sourcing, business process re-engineering, engineering research, finance and accounting outsourcing, health and welfare administration out sourcing, human resource sourcing, information technology infrastructure sourcing, insurance outsourcing, marketing service outsourcing, supply chain and logistics sourcing, telecommunications and network sourcing and utilities administrant outsourcing. In this perspective Procurement is pivotal in management of business and agencies. (Source: International Journal of Procurement Chief Editor Prof Angappa Gunasekaran 1967)
Globalization of market and operations leader to global purchasing and supplier development. Source: David Farmer etal 1972, Procurement principles and Practices This indicates the importance of effective procurement and supply functions for organizational effectiveness and competitiveness. Some of which include procurement audit. Source: David Farmer etal 1972, Procurement principles and Practices
On the African scope, procurement audit is done according to international conventions governing different international entities but the principles followed are almost similar. Gerald Mabveka (1987) of the University of Boston and Director of Public procurement in Malawi in his journal Business and Creative Technologies gives the general definition of audit as an evaluation of a person, organization, system, process, project or product. Auditing is conducted to examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification. Audit is mostly