INTRODUCTION Quality of work-life (QWL) is described as an individual’s experience related to their job. It may include broad categories and different dimensions like job satisfaction, satisfaction with the wages, hours, working condition and environment, work-life balance (balance between work and family). Today in this age of fierce competitive environment organizations should focus on the well-being of their employees. QWL is emphasized so that employees could be motivated to work efficiently towards their given goals. Stress at work could be reduced, so the employees feel satisfied with their jobs and maintain balance between their work and life. LITERATURE REVIEW From the past 30 years the concept of QWL has been used. Many problems has been faced regarding the definition and conceptualization of QWL. Different models like transfer model (spillover effect), compensation model and segmentation model etc was used to give definition of QWL (Martel, Dupuis, 2006). Research shows that the definition of QWL is also related to the definition of QOL (quality of life). But a new measuring instrument QWLSI (quality of worklife systematic inventory) was presented that allow the participants to assess QWL and their actions effectiveness regarding their organizational performance. For measuring QWL another measure was developed that depend on the satisfaction need and spillover theories. This measure was developed to check that whether work environment meet specific needs of the employee (Sirgy, Efraty, Siegel, Jinlee, 2001). That needs include social, economic and family, safety, knowledge, aesthetics and actualization needs. A hypothesis was also drawn from the spillover theories. Both the hypothesis and the new measure was supported well. Through continuous research different methods was proposed to measure QWL
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