January 19, 2012
Fig 1. Technology affects Structure affects Employee Relations
1. How Technology impacts organization structure?
Employee relations involve multiple layers of communication, from employer-employee relations to interactions among the workforce itself. To understand the effect of technology on employee relations we have to understand how the structure of an organization changes with the type of technology being used in the organization. We have various theories to study this phenomena, these are:
- Joan Woodward’s(1965) technology contribution which characterized the major technologies used in manfacturing organizations into unit, process and mass technologies. What we could derive from this theory was that routine technology (i.e. technology leading to more routiness in work) like mass meant a more formalized structure and vice versa.
- Another one was Perrow’s(1967) knowledge technology contribution which divided technology into 4 types routine, non routine, craft and engineering types based on task variability and problem analyzability factors used in the technology.
- The third major contribution was Thompson’s Technology structure that divided technology into Long linked, mediating and Intensive technologies, with long linked corresponding to standardization of operations, tools, parts and machines.
Focusing on the Knowledge Technology contribution of Perrow, since the world has moved on to become a knowledge based economy. Its two main dimensions are:
a. Task variability that describes the number of exceptions individuals encounter in their work.
b. Problem analyzability which describes the type of search procedure employees follow in responding to exceptions.
The four technology categories in his theory are:
1. ROUTINE: characterised by the lack of exceptions and its depth of comprehension. Traditional manufacturing
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