Modern communications and technology have fostered globalization, pulling people into greater culture. And economic interaction with others.…
Globalization is a process that integrates all the nations around the world, by the unification of global economy with the worldwide exchange of products and services (David, 2002). With that unification, the other matters, such as politics, technology, capital, labor force and culture, all have to undergo a international interaction and fusion. The rapid developments of information and telecommunication technology in recent years, as well as the construction of infrastructure like transportation, have promoted and accelerated the globalization process by connecting people more closely and compressing the time and space for communication. As a result, the nations are becoming more closely interdependent in today’s world. The four basic aspects of globalization identified by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) in 2000 includes: the trade and transactions cross borders, capital flow and investment, international migration of people and spread of knowledge.…
Throughout the chapters within the Sociology book, you may come across several diverse societies, which affects behavior or even the view of life for others, this is known as globalization. For example, first the financial crisis been trending toward greater interactions. The focus is financial flows in the financial crisis. Second, the study adds to the evidence that connecting with the rest of the world is a good thing. By connecting with the world, you can have a better understanding about what’s going on. Third, today's globalization is about outsourcing the different qualities. All kinds of knowledge activities, from business-related communications to professional travel, are of the charts. Fourth, the information revolution is spreading to every level of global society. The study extends the analysis of global interactions to data and communication flows. It finds rapid growth in advancing digital technologies and the Internet. In my opinion, globalization is something that you should not look at to be nothing. The society that we live in today shows exactly what globalization is and how it’s supposed to…
Furthermore, the writer discusses the global communication as a component of the term globalization that predicted by Marshall McLuhan in the 1960s. Although, there are several components for globalization: economic, politics, culture, social, and communication, but communication is the most notable aspect. Moreover, Kamalipour claims that global communication is still a growing field that fits under most of the humanity sciences as, mass communication, international relations, politics, economics, social science, managements, and public administrations. Further, the area of global communication is growing rapidly and needs to be investigated more because the significant role it plays in solving conflicts between nations.…
This rating methodology explains Moody’s approach to assessing credit risk for companies in the telecommunications industry. This publication is intended to provide a reference tool that can be used when evaluating credit profiles within the telecommunications industry, helping companies, investors, and other interested market participants understand how key qualitative and quantitative risk characteristics are likely to affect rating outcomes. This methodology does not include an exhaustive treatment of all factors that are reflected in Moody’s ratings but should enable the reader to understand the qualitative considerations and financial ratios that are usually most important for ratings in this sector. This rating methodology replaces the Global Telecommunications Methodology published in December 2007. While reflecting the same core principles as the December 2007 methodology, this updated framework incorporates refinements that better reflect the key credit fundamentals of the telecommunications industry. This report includes a detailed rating grid and illustrative mapping of a sample of companies against the factors in the grid. The purpose of the rating grid is to provide a reference tool that can be used to approximate credit profiles within the telecommunications sector. The grid provides summarized guidance for the factors that are generally most important in assigning ratings to telecommunications companies. The grid is a summary that does not include every rating consideration, the weights shown for each factor in the grid represent an approximation of their typical importance for rating decisions but actual importance may vary significantly, and our illustrative mapping uses historical results while our ratings consider forward-looking expectations. Accordingly, the grid-indicated rating is not expected to match the actual rating in most…
The importance of communication in any country whether developed or developing is so obvious. Every human society, from the most primitive to the most advanced; depend on some form of communication network. It will be virtually impossible for any group of people to define their collective identities or make decisions about their common and binding interests, without communications. In fact, the inter-relationship between the economic development of a country and effective communication services is so interwoven that it is difficult to tell which one comes first. Suffice it to say however, that most developed nations have the more developed infrastructures and services.…
Communication is a vibrant two way activity. Intially people considered that communication as an art and believed that it can be effectively carried out only by certain faction of the community now the market space has become global and the people in different countries feel that they are living in a global village because they can able to communicate with any person in any country.…
While discussing the topics of trade, development and political economy, globalization is often discussed. In general, globalization means a process in which world economies become highly integrated, leading to a global economy and highly global economic policymaking, through international agencies such as the World Trade Organization (Todaro & Smith, 2006).…
The journey of globalisation began from developments such as the printing press in 1450 and the invention of the internet in 1989, it also includes such factors as the industrial revolution and the development of the transportation system. All systems that have contributed in the networking and integration of different countries through economic, political and cultural aspects of society. Gorman and Maclean understood how wide the spectrum was when realising how globalisation has developed,…
The main objective of the study is to know the direction of causality between economic growth and telecommunication development. Theories and empirical studies proved how the indicators of the two variables caused each other.…
Peace in Somaliland came from the local people … working together in a series of reconciliation conferences between the clans that live in Somaliland…
1.1 Development communication is defined as knowledge sharing and using communication to promote development through formulation of strategy and policies. Development communication also means a systematic collaboration and exchange of information leading to the mutual benefits of all the parties. Communication (knowledge sharing and transfer of ideas), of any kind, plays an important role in development of nations now a days. Development communication consists of various media, interfaces and activities that aim at transferring the knowledge and experience from developed nations (organisations / companies) to underdeveloped nations (organisations / companies) for the purpose of progress. Effective communication for development plays an important role in the advancement and progress of the individuals, society and a nation as a whole. It aims at eradicating the social evils and introducing a standard set of principles and policies ultimately leading to the social, economical and technological development of an underdeveloped nation / economy. The paper below highlights different facets of development communication and presents an argument as to how these help in the growth and advancement of the underdeveloped nations (or entities or products). Inagaki (2007) is of the view that ‘development strategies can be made more measurable by the help of development communication’.…
Economic and social development depended in part on efficient communication and with the threat of inadequate communication infrastructure, it was evident…
Advancement in communication technologies has transformed the way we communicate in all aspects of society. To name a few, technologies such as the internet, VOIP, video conferencing and e-mail contribute to our ability to connect with each other without concerns of physical distance. People from one end of the world to another can instantly communicate through audio, video, and text with the correct hardware and software. Ultimately, the advancement in communication technologies is a key factor in the process of globalization.…
On the other hand, it takes a number of benefits the modern communication technology. It made people able to make friends all of the world. In addition, people could study non-mother language through the Internet more easily than in the past as well as it made a big new market such as Application Market. From the big modern technology market, people and local government could get profits economically and socially because many modern communication technology companies need employees and they make a number of taxes so they provide jobs and pay taxes to the local government. Using the taxes, the local government could be spent more taxes for welfare. Finally, the technology make available advertise their country through the Internet cheaply and effectively.…