Crisis: Select a financial institution that had serious financial problems as a result of the credit crisis. Determine the main underlying causes of the problems experienced by that financial institution. Explain how these problems might have been avoided.
Table of Contents
I- Credit crisis .................................................................................................... 2
II- Impact of the credit crisis on investment banks ................................. 2
1) Definition of Investment bank ................................................................... 2
2) Impact of the credit crisis on investment bank ..................................... 2
III- Lehman Brothers .......................................................................................... 4
1) Introduction ..................................................................................... 4
2) Reasons lead to bankruptcy ............................................................ 5
3) How these problems might have been avoided. .............................. 7
IV- References .................................................................................................... 10
Page 1
Credit crisis
The credit crisis began in the United States in 2007credit that refers to a sudden shortage of funds for lending, leading to a resulting decline in loans available.
A Credit Crunch can occur for various reasons:
Interest rate increases suddenly
Money is controlled directly by the government.
A Drying up of funds in the capital markets
The recent credit crunch was driven by a sharp rise in defaults on subprime mortgages. These mortgages were mainly in America but the resulting shortage of funds spread throughout the rest of the world.
Impact of the credit crisis on investment banks
1) Definition of Investment bank