2.1 Introduction
The recent increase in fuel and building price will give the big impact on the construction industry, which is one of the country’s engines of growth, and
The recent events in the economy have increase globalization. Globalization is the activity between the world 's markets and businesses (Colander, 2010). This activity allows for import and export of goods between countries. This has been a new trend in the construction industry due to the fact that traveling abroad, shipping and receiving, and communication is easier than years ago. Globalization allows the construction companies to seek decrease prices from imports on some raw materials, resulting in passing the savings to the consumer.…
Introduction: Petroleum is the largest single source of energy consumed by the world’s population, exceeding coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydro, and renewables (3). It is predicted that global demand for petroleum will increase to 40% by 2025 (3). Biodiesel fuel is a renewable energy source made from vegetable oils and is viewed as an alternative for diesel engines.…
Gas production and oil are the main sources of energy. Gas fell from 9400 million cubic feet to 6600 million, it is said that gas imports will rise in the future and new techniques are being used to extract more oil, Miller oil field in Scotland is expected to extract more than £40 billion worth of new…
In the United States and around the world, demand for energy is growing significantly. Climate change and environmental regulations continue to push against the need for increasing energy generation. In the U.S., natural gas has become a popular alternative fuel source for power plants. It is also recognized for its ability to heat homes and serve as fuel for motor vehicles. Natural gas could greatly reduce the United States reliance on oil and coal.…
Since the industrial revolution, our energy consumption has risen unceasingly. The majority of this energy consumption is supplied by the fossil fuels like coal or natural gas.…
The energy industry in its entirety involves the production and sale of energy, fuel extraction, manufacturing, refining and distribution. As our society consumes enormous amounts of fuel, the energy industry becomes more of a necessity to the infrastructure and maintenance of civilization worldwide. Indeed energy use is considered to be one of the most significant factors to the expansion of the human society in almost all countries as it is the aid to the control and adaptation to the environment. Managing the use of energy is definitely unavoidable as development of its resources is crucial to various industries such as agriculture, transportation, communication, and etc.…
There was a time when natural gas was treated as an unwanted byproduct of crude oil production and simply flared off. Now it is a common replacement for crude oil and a major source of energy for many nations. Natural gas comprises 22% of worldwide energy demand (Morgan Stanley Research, March, 2011). Natgas consumption is forecast to double by 2030. It is the fastest growing energy source in the world and the most flexible of all primary fossil fuels. Its uses include power generation, home heating/cooking, fertilizer and is also convertible to diesel fuel for automobiles. It is also colorless, odorless and burns cleaner than other fossil fuels.…
Energy is necessary for daily survival. Many forecasts of recoverable oil reserves and resources suggest that oil production will level off by the early decades of the next century and then gradually fall during a period of reduced supplies and higher prices. Gas supplies should last over 200 years and coal about 3.000 years at present rates of use. Future development crucially depends on its long-term availability in increasing quantities from sources that are dependable, safe, and environmentally sound. At present, no single source or mix of sources is at hand to meet this future need. The energy to provide heat for warmth, cooking, and manufacturing, or power for transport and mechanical work services…
Nowadays, the growth of construction industry’s productivity is slow, unlike the manufacturing sector, where standardization of components, mechanisation and innovation greatly enhance the rate of production, that is because of the procedure of construction industry is more complicate and always take longer time than manufacturing sector. Therefore, the supply to meet the needs and demand of housing and infrastructure is a very slow process.…
“How has globalization impacted on the construction industry in terms of issues such as: structure, characteristics of the industry and individual firms, building cycles and forecasting the future direction of the overall economy and the construction industry in particular”.…
What comes to mind when you think about energy? I bet most of you probably think about electricity, heat, and basic everyday things that we use that require some sort of energy. Let’s think about that for a moment. How are things like electricity and heat produced? Many of the commodities that we all in enjoy in this world like electricity, heat, and many other things are produced by an energy source. These sources for a very long time consisted of primarily oil and coal. These energy sources were used to help generate and provide electricity and heat to almost all of the United States. Now the prices of these energy sources are soaring and with the economy in recession consumers are looking for a cheaper and reliable energy source. The solution is natural gas. Do you know why natural gas is the best choice for tomorrow’s energy? Throughout this paper you will be brought behind the scenes of natural gas and its industry to show you some comparisons between natural gas and its main competitors oil and coal.…
In Malaysia, the main source of energy comes in the form of natural gas and Malaysia has one of the biggest petroleum companies in Asia in the form of the Petronas company. The Petronas company is owned by the Malaysian government but is under the management and supervision of a private board with little interference by the Malaysia government. Other sources of energy in Malaysia comes from coal and…
As fuels, they keep us warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather; they cook our food and heat our water; they generate our electricity and power our appliances; and they take us by car, bus, train, ship or plane to places near and distant. We all feel the economic pinch when the prices of gasoline, home heating fuel or electricity increase sharply, even though in many developed countries, they still cost less than some brands of bottled water.…
Natural gas is rapidly gaining in geopolitical importance. Gas has grown from a marginal fuel consumed in regionally disconnected markets to a fuel that is transported across great distances for consumption in many different economic sectors. Increasingly, natural gas is the fuel of choice for consumers seeking its relatively low environmental impact, especially for electric power generation. As a result, world gas consumption is projected to more than double over the next three decades, rising from 23% to 28% of world total primary energy demand by 2030 and surpassing coal as the world’s number two energy source and potentially overtaking oil’s share in many large industrialized economies.…
Malaysia has recognised green technology as one of the key drivers of national economic growth. To achieve this, the Government is currently reorienting its policies to promote and develop green production. (Matrade, 2011) In order to enhance the growth of green technology of national economy, Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS) are formed.…