The Scientific Revolution is a method used by historians to describe the development of Modern Science, during the early modern period.
Lots of scientists made an impact on Science but there are 3 that grabbed my attention, because of their contributions to science, and life. The first one, Copernicus, the second one, Isaac Newton, and the last one, Galileo Gallilei.
The Scientific Revolution has impacted Science in a super powerful way. It has rebuilt it and remodeled it. It made Science what it is today.
You might know that the planets and stars revolve around the SUN not the Earth. Who discovered that, you may ask? Well, Copernicus did.
Copernicus was born in 19 Febuary, of 1473 in the Kingdom of Poland. He was a Renaissance and Reformation era, …show more content…
Galileo then later continued Copernicus’ work in the Scientific Revolution. That saying,
Galileo was the second scientist the most impacted the scientific Revolution. Galileo is known as the “Father of Modern Science.” There is a reason why they call them that.
He is an Italian Astronomer, but also studied science. He was borned on the 15th of February, 1564, and died on the 8th of January, 1642 at aged 77.
His contributions to science were fantastic. One of the was that the Laws of Nature was MATHEMATICAL. Then he made a telescope with about 3x magnification. “Also, Galileo observed that Venus exhibited a full set of phases similar to that of the Moon.” The motions of bodies was also a big contribution.
Galileo’s theoretical and experimental work on the motions of bodies, actually was first looked at by another great scientist, Isaac Newton.
Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, astronomer, theologian and physicist. One of the greatest. In my opinion he is the top 5 scientists from Science History.
He was born on the 25th on December , and died on 20 March. He studied various